2023 TBA
Join the Saskatoon Cycling Club for a weekend of camping and cycling on paved roads.
The rides will be organized for Saturday and Sunday. If you are camping with us book for Friday and Saturday nights. If you are driving out for the day please be aware that the rides may depart as early as 9:30AM.
Please reserve a campsite for yourself at Valley Regional Park.
Some riding options include the following destinations:
Batoche — 56km return
Fort Carleton — 87km return
Black Top Diner — 80km return
Duck Lake — 32km return
Rides will be coordinated on-site taking into consideration weather conditions, wind direction and participant preferences.
This event is “common-adventure” and therefore has no registration cost.
Please let us know if you are coming by sending an email to: clubinfo@saskatooncyclingclub.ca
This event is available to any member of any club affiliated with the Saskatchewan Cycling Association.